Canadian Underwriter


Ronald McDonald House Charities Corporate Ski Challenge

by Ronald McDonald House Charities Corporate Ski Challenge
February 04 - February 05, 2019
Mont Tremblant Quebec

The Ski Challenge is one of the biggest annual fundraising events for the Ronald McDonald Houses of Quebec. In participating at this signature event, you are helping more than 10,000 families that are welcomed to the House every year. The Quebec Ronald McDonald Houses need you to make the difference!

Support  the event by entering a team to participate in this year’s exciting ski challenge. Not only is this a great opportunity to support the families and their children, it’s an opportunity for you and your team to network and meet others from a number of participating industries.  On Tuesday, 5 February 2019, corporate sponsored teams will spend a day of activities which includes a ski race at the Tremblant Resort in Québec to raise funds for the Charity.

This has been a long-standing annual event, supported by teams from the insurance industry who use this opportunity to partner with their suppliers, clients, and prospective customers when selecting the four members of their team.

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