Canadian Underwriter

Janet Mascitelli Retires After 32-year Trailblazing Career

February 26, 2018   by Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company

Toronto, February 26th, 2018 /insPRESS/ –  After a long and rewarding career, it is with mixed emotions that we announce the retirement of Janet Mascitelli as of March 1st, 2018.

Janet’s 32-year trailblazing career in surety began in her hometown of Saint John, New Brunswick, when she discovered a passion for people and business in the banking industry at CIBC.


After moving to Toronto, Janet took a role as a financial analyst at GCNA. She developed a quick understanding that every client had unique needs and required a different approach. Soon, Janet moved her way up and became a contract surety underwriter. Like most people, Janet stumbled upon the surety industry, and she was one of only a few women in the field at that time.

In 2006, Janet made another bold decision to leave her comfortable and secure role to join a fledgling start up called – Trisura. Through her experience, dedication and integrity, Janet was instrumental in helping build and lead Trisura’s Toronto surety team. While most of her time was dedicated to contract surety, she transitioned over the last few years into developer surety, helping set up the department for future success.

A true ambassador to Trisura, Janet was always involved in the company’s activities and events, especially when it came to support various charities. Janet has been a great teacher and mentor to all the underwriters that worked for her, and a great friend, colleague and inner conscience to everyone that worked alongside her.

For the brokers that worked with Janet, she always had a passionate, warm and trusting appeal, while at the same time would never mince words.  You would always know exactly what Janet was thinking, and it was always with everyone’s best intentions in mind.

We extend our utmost thanks and gratitude for having benefited from Janet’s expertise, compassion and mentorship. We wish her and her family the very best as she ventures into this he next stage of her life.

Please take this opportunity to congratulate Janet.

Connect with Janet on Linkedin.

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