Canadian Underwriter


The Risk of Terror: Attack on America: Impact on Aviation Covers

October 1, 2001 by Canadian Underwriter

While the impact that the terrorist attacks will have on the international insurance and reinsurance industry will not be fully known for many years, the effect on aviation covers was almost instantaneous.

Canadians gather at Parliament Hill in Ottawa to express their sympathy and mourn the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

The Risk of Terror: Lessons From the Disaster

October 1, 2001 Vikki Spencer

As delegates at the 2001 Canadian Risk and Insurance Management Society (CRIMS) Conference learned of the tragic terrorist attacks carried out in the U.S. mid-way through the gathering, normal sessions were put aside and attention turned to the implications, both personal and professional, of these historic events. Amidst fears for co-workers possibly involved in the World Trade Center (WTC) crisis and a general outpouring of sympathy, risk managers tried to understand the disaster, and perhaps even take some lessons.

News Insurance

Government covers airline terrorism exposures

September 25, 2001 by Canadian Underwriter

The federal government has stepped in to offer temporary insurance cover to airlines and airports for acts of war and terrorism. The 90-day coverage is a stop gap measure to allow the industry to work out new coverage agreements with

News Insurance

MPI pays over $3 million for hail damage

August 23, 2001 by Canadian Underwriter

A hail storm that struck Winnipeg early this week is costing the province’s public insurer dearly, reports the Canadian Press. Manitoba Public Insurance says that it will be paying out more than $3 million in claims for vehicles damaged by


Raising th Bottom-Line through subrogation efficiency

July 1, 2001 Michael Baumel, head of global subrogation at GE ERC

The area of subrogation is a necessary part of the claims process, one which is often overlooked or under-utilized by the primary insurer. A poor or effective claims management approach to subrogation can mean the difference of millions of dollars to the bottom-line. Faced with the current business climate, can insurers afford financial spillage?

News Insurance

New federal body to lead disaster strategy talks

June 26, 2001 by Canadian Underwriter

The newly-created Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness (OCIPEP) will lead consultations about to begin on developing a national disaster mitigation strategy. National Defence Minister Art Eggleton says the talks will center around reducing the risk and impact



June 1, 2001 David Wade, an independent risk management consultant

Mention Walkerton, and the immediate thought that jumps to mind is “water contamination”. The tragic deaths that occurred in Walkerton, Ontario last year as a result of contaminated water supply are a stark reminder of the importance of risk management. A proper risk management program applied by the Walkerton authorities could have averted the tragedy that took place. As such, insurers looking to underwrite general liability insurance products for municipalities need to focus on the appropriate risk containment programs applied by these insureds.


BUSINESS CONTINUITY: do you have a plan?

April 1, 2001 Karen Rutherford and Gerry Myer of the Crisis Tool Group

Do you need to show your employer that as a risk manager you are bringing value-added services to your organization? Do you need to create a sense that you are virtually indispensable? Would you like to know one process that will allow you to know more about your company than the CFO, CEO or anyone else? Ask any continuity planner and they will quickly tell you the answer – build your company’s recovery plan.

A scene of devastation caused by the recent Seattle earthquake


April 1, 2001 Sean van Zyl, Editor

The recent earthquake which shook residents of Seattle and Olympia in north Washington state has given risk managers with exposures in southwestern British Columbia more than a mild shudder. It has long been known that the highly urbanized cities of

David O'Neill

CYBER-EXPOSURE a risky business

March 1, 2001 Vikki Spencer

Corporate takeovers. Plummeting stock prices. Falling profits. These used to be the primary fears of the corporate world. Today, enemy number one could be a fourteen-year-old sitting in front of a home computer with the power to bring business to



March 1, 2001 Sean van Zyl, Editor

Ask any one of two million grumbling Californians who were recently suject to power blackouts as to why they are not currently overly fond of their local politicians and civil servants, and you will find that the list of complaints

George Anderson

Feds respond to disaster mitigation

March 1, 2001 by Canadian Underwriter

The federal government has taken an important step forward toward natural disaster mitigation with the creation of a new disaster handling agency, the Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness (OCIPEP), says the Insurance Bureau’s president George Anderson. “This