Canadian Underwriter

Individuals, businesses advised to prepare for summer storm season: Travelers

June 4, 2014   by Canadian Underwriter

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Travelers Insurance is urging individuals and business owners to prepare for the upcoming summer storm season, citing a recent risk indices shows that many in the United States are not prepared for severe weather of any type.

“Planning for summer storms should go far beyond coastal areas, as weather-related events occurring during the summer months can affect anyone,” Marty Henry, senior vice president of risk control at Travelers, says in a company statement. “Taking steps to plan now can help a business maintain operations and can also help keep families and property safe in the event of severe weather,” Henry adds.

Not that the Atlantic hurricane season is officially under way, the potential for large coastal storms gets much of the attention, notes the company statement. However, the Insurance Information Institute reports that thunderstorms caused more property damage than any other type of storm over the course of last year.

Travelers reports that being prepared can help minimize disruptions caused by the impact of severe weather.

For individuals, it is recommended that they do the following: create an evacuation plan that details where to go and how to keep in touch during an emergency; build a content inventory to document the items in the home; prepare a survival kit of necessities in the event of disaster; and perform routine maintenance, such as tree-trimming, gutter cleaning and debris removal around the home and make sure drains and sump pumps are clear.

As for business owners, they should assemble a continuity plan that can be used to respond to weather or any event that could impact business operations.

One offering from Travelers, called ABC-Go SM, contains four steps: assessment of risk, business impact analysis, controls for prevention and mitigation, and test, implement and adjust.

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