Canadian Underwriter

Large earthquake could strike in Manitoba or Saskatchewan

January 16, 2012   by Canadian Underwriter

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Eastern Ontario and Quebec and the West Coast aren’t the only parts of Canada that have an earthquake risk. Research shows that while the probability is quite low, Saskatchewan and Manitoba also have some risk of experiencing a large quake, said Dr. John Adams of the Geological Survey of Canada.
Adams spoke at the Canadian Seismic Research Network’s Workshop on Seismic Hazards and Microzonation in Toronto on Jan. 13.
“There are some earthquakes in the middle of Canada,” he said. “We see earthquakes in Saskatchewan relatively often, maybe five times a year. We had a Magnitude-5.3 earthquake there in 1909.
“We don’t think anywhere in Canada is safe from earthquakes. We just think the probabilities are low [in central Canada].”
Adams pointed to research from Australia that analyzed “hundreds of thousands of years of fault scars across the continent of Australia.”
The conclusion of that research is that earthquakes in the middle of continents could be as large as Magnitude 7.2, he said.
“That means that there is some very low probability that an earthquake of that size could occur in Manitoba or Saskatchewan. The risk is so much lower than Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa or Toronto, but it isn’t zero.”

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5 Comments » for Large earthquake could strike in Manitoba or Saskatchewan
  1. pipkiaya says:

    just curious…has there been any recent activity around Maple Creek, Saskatchewan? i have been trying to figure this out. Recently there have been people saying that there doors, or certain objects in the houses have been moving like crazy, or a picture frame has fallen off the wall. but it only effects one thing (that we can see ) in the house. is this possible?

    • Patricia Hamon says:

      I felt tremor here in Saskatoon. How do i know? I was measuring 4 tablespoons of ground coffee into the coffee basket of my coffeemake. I missed the coffee basket three times in a row. That just doesnt happen to me. Never has.
      I think it was one of those that you say ah, that was Dumb, you dont believe it happened. It was about as long as it takes to measure three tablespoons from one Bowl to another bowl with the bowls being right side by side. I read, months ago. That small tremors like that that happen , and you dont remember it happened at all,, you just negate it.

  2. denis vien says:

    the earthquake we had last year is nothing compared to whats coming, notice the rise in humidity & how smaller lakes are warm for this time of year… no oil left to spread heat evenly threw out planet, yes iron shiel is strong point, but when heated, iron melts faster then rock.. making it the weakest point in the world. in cyria, there is a part of the ground that droped over 200 yards straight down, i know ive seen it.. i have friends around the world, i am Lt.Admiral Vien, aka denis alexandre joseph vien.. private guard of the queen. i am fully aware of whats going on, i”m not leaving this planet for some monkeyology idea.. i know where i will be safe.. hopefully the fault line stops at the border like we think… vaillio condido..

    • Matt says:

      Clearly you dont know whats going on then, as there are fault lines all over Canada. And no, you arent the private guard of anything.

  3. denis vien says:

    im in canada.. kingston ontario canada..

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