Canadian Underwriter


News AdjustersBrokersClaimsClaims CanadaLegalRisk

This kind of homeowner’s liability claim has real teeth

January 21, 2021 by Greg Meckbach

When a dog bites man, the wounds could be deep and wide for homeowners. “Pet bites top the list for home insurance liability claims,” reports Dorchester Insurance Brokers Ltd., based near London in the community of Dorchester, Ont. “Dog bites

News AdjustersClaimsClaims CanadaConstructionEngineeringInsurance

What can go wrong when do-it-yourself clients try to replace home water heaters

January 19, 2021 by Greg Meckbach

Some homeowner clients could get in trouble if they try to replace water heaters themselves, by following do-it-yourself handyman advice they find somewhere on the Internet. Many home insurance policies specifically require that water heater installation be done by a

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News ClaimsClaims CanadaCommercial LinesRiskTechnology

How social media can be a cyber attack vector

January 15, 2021 by Greg Meckbach

Cyber criminals are increasingly targeting workers through applications such as LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter, McAfee LLC warned in a report released Wednesday. Traditionally, cyber criminals have relied heavily on phishing as a way to target individual employees, McAfee chief

News AdjustersClaimsCommercial LinesInsuranceLegal

When the appraisal umpire goes beyond the depreciation rate of both the claimant and the insurer

January 15, 2021 by David Gambrill

In a $1.2-million dispute arising from a property resort fire, an Ontario appraisal umpire did not exceed his authority when he used a much higher depreciation rate than both the claimant and the insurer did to calculate the value of

News AdjustersClaims CanadaCommercial LinesLegalRisk

How ‘take-home COVID’ can impact employers’ liability

January 13, 2021 by Greg Meckbach

COVID-19 can cause a commercial general liability claim if a commercial client is sued by the family member of a worker who has caught the disease at work and then infected family members, insurance law experts suggest. “Take-home COVID” is

News ClaimsClaims CanadaLegalRisk

How COVID-19 vaccine side effects impact liability risk

January 12, 2021 by Greg Meckbach

Some people could suffer side effects from a COVID-19 immunization, but the vaccine manufacturers have a number of protections that minimize their liability risk, Canadian lawyers suggest. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was quoted last week by The Canadian Press as

News AdjustersClaimsClaims CanadaInsuranceLegal

Three ways of reducing your client’s risk of false slip-and-fall claims

January 11, 2021 by Greg Meckbach

Installing video systems, keeping an eye out for obstructions on the property and asking claimants for all names they have used in the past are among the techniques your clients can use to protect themselves from fraudulent slip-and-fall claims. Slip

News CatastrophesClaimsInsuranceLegislation / RegulationRisk

Regulator’s pilot project to start scenario-testing for climate change risks

January 7, 2021 by David Gambrill

Canada’s solvency regulator has introduced a pilot project in 2021 to conduct scenario testing of the impact of various climate-related risks on financial institutions’ bottom lines. “The first step of the pilot project is to develop a Canada-relevant set of

News AdjustersClaimsClaims CanadaInsuranceLegal

Impeding, hindering or preventing: Do these mean the same thing in business interruption insurance?

January 6, 2021 by Greg Meckbach

Say your client has a policy covering business interruption if the government prevents access to the premises. A pandemic breaks out. Say that client is not completely prohibited from conducting business, but is still losing sales because the government is

News ClaimsInsurance

Mystery solved: Phantom passenger loses accident benefits case

January 6, 2021 by David Gambrill

Ontario’s Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT) has denied accident benefits to a claimant who said she had been injured in an auto collision, finding that the claimant could not prove she was actually in the car when the accident happened. Maxine

News AdjustersClaimsClaims CanadaInsuranceLegal

How an insurer became embroiled in this body shop’s lawsuit against an auto dealer

January 6, 2021 by Greg Meckbach

A collision repair centre is suing an auto dealership firm that stopped referring work to it amid unproven allegations that the body shop submitted false or fabricated invoices to Aviva Canada, recent Ontario court documents show. In 2013, a firm

News ClaimsClaims CanadaLegal

The difference between pandemic BI coverage and pushing a bus off a cliff

January 5, 2021 by Greg Meckbach

Commercial clients who bought insurance covering a disease outbreak within 25 miles of their premises did not buy coverage for business interruption from a pandemic on a national scale, insurance company lawyers are telling the United Kingdom Supreme Court. Worldwide,