Canadian Underwriter


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B.C.’s wildfire season surpasses 1958 record for amount of land burned

August 17, 2017 The Canadian Press (CPSTF)

KAMLOOPS, B.C. – British Columbia’s wildfires have destroyed a record amount of forest, brush and grassland, surpassing the devastation of nearly 60 years ago. Kevin Skrepnek with the BC Wildfire Service said about 8,944 square kilometres have been scorched by

News CatastrophesInsuranceMarkets / CoveragesMergers and Aqcuisitions

B.C. and federal governments assessing impact of wildfires on province’s agriculture sector

August 16, 2017 by Canadian Underwriter

The governments of British Columbia and Canada have announced that they are working under the federal-provincial AgriRecovery disaster framework to determine the type of assistance that may be required by the province’s agriculture sector to recover from the impact of wildfires. The announcement was made on Wednesday following the first meeting between Lawrence MacAulay, the federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, and B.C. Minister of Agriculture Lana Popham.

Government officials are working together to quickly assess the “extraordinary costs” farmers are incurring and what additional assistance may be required to recover and return to production following the wildfires, noted a joint statement from B.C.’s Ministry of Agriculture and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

News CatastrophesInsuranceMarkets / CoveragesMergers and Aqcuisitions

B.C. ranchers say costs of wildfires likely top hundreds of millions

July 25, 2017 The Canadian Press (CPSTF)

KAMLOOPS, B.C. – The British Columbia Cattlemen’s Association says wildfires have inflicted a terrible financial and emotional toll on its members. Association manager Kevin Boon says wildfires that broke out earlier this month in B.C.’s Cariboo and Chilcotin regions are