Canadian Underwriter

Feature Claims CanadaLegal

No Contract is an Island

March 31, 2015 Michael S. Teitelbaum, partner, Hughes Amys LLP|Michael S. Teitelbaum, partner, Hughes Amys LLP

How the Supreme Court of Canada “Sattva” decision may affect insurance policy interpretation.

Nathalie Durocher, Associate, Norton Rose Fulbright
Feature Legal

Underinsurance – Broker Liability

March 1, 2015 by Canadian Underwriter

In a case of loss involving underinsurance, broker liability can be at play. A 2014 ruling by the Quebec Superior Court reiterates that as a “licensed professional,” a damage insurance broker has a duty to provide clients with sound advice and to direct them towards the right resources and information to help them obtain suitable insurance coverage.

Bobbie Goldie, Vice President, Professional Risk, ACE Group
Feature Legal

Breach teach

December 1, 2014 Bobbie Goldie, Vice President, Professional Risk, ACE Group

There is a need for more information about privacy insurance in Canada. Any organization that collects, transmits or stores customer, employee sensitive personal or corporate information should consider buying the insurance, but a number of important factors must be reviewed prior to purchase.

Colleen DeMerchant, General Manager, Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada
Feature CatastrophesClimate ChangeLegal

Beyond Limits

December 1, 2014 Colleen DeMerchant, General Manager, Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada

The Nuclear Liability and Compensation Act, now being reviewed by the Senate, will ultimately increase the liability limit for operators of nuclear facilities to $1 billion, contain expanded definitions of compensable damage, provide a longer limitation period for submitting compensation claims for bodily injury, and allow Canada to become a party to the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage.

Mary Lou O'Reilly, Senior Vice President, Issues Management and Communications, Insurance Bureau of Canada
Feature AssociationsCatastrophes

Quake Stakes

November 1, 2014 Mary Lou O'Reilly, Senior Vice President, Issues Management and Communications, Insurance Bureau of Canada

Experts agree a big earthquake is coming to Canada. So why are people not getting prepared? Exactly where and when the “big one” will hit can only be surmised, but preparedness has been lackluster for an event that will undoubtedly prove costly for everyone from governments to consumers, insurers and reinsurers.

Albert Wallrap, Associate, Dutton Brock LLP
Feature Legal

Interpretation Clarified

October 1, 2014 Albert Wallrap, Associate, Dutton Brock LLP

A new ruling by Canada’s highest court clarifies contractual interpretation. Trial judges and arbitrators of first instance now have a more enhanced role over contractual interpretation, and one may expect fewer appeals on what a contract says and for commercial arbitration decisions to be less reviewable by courts.

Feature Claims CanadaLegal

The Liability Line

September 30, 2014 Craig Harris, Freelance Writer

Casualty premiums account for roughly 10 per cent of the overall insurance market in Canada. However, the severity of long-tail liability claims can put disproportionate pressure on adjusters to effectively manage and adjudicate losses. Key risks, such as asbestos and tobacco, have had a huge impact on insurance companies when it comes to reserving for future claims. What are the current risks that insurers and independent adjusters should have on their radar screen? And what emerging exposures may cross the liability line?

Feature Claims CanadaCommercial LinesLegal

P3 and Potential Losses

September 30, 2014 Sean Forgie, national director, casualty/liability, major loss services, Cunningham Lindsey

How the investigation of public-private partnership (P3) claims poses challenges for adjusters.

Feature Claims CanadaLegal

The Related Claim

September 30, 2014 Jared D. Epp, lawyer, Robertson Stromberg LLP

A single related claim must involve analysis of specific facts around each allegation and cause of action.

Nate Spurrier, Director of Business Development, IDT911

Into the Breach

September 1, 2014 Nate Spurrier, Director of Business Development, IDT911

A significant percentage of data breaches are caused by weak passwords, insecure computer network portals and lost smartphones. Policyholders should be encouraged to draft incident response plans and to contact their brokers or carriers as soon as a breach is discovered, in order to access experts such as forensic experts, legal counsel and crisis management specialists.

Andrew Lo, Chief Marketing Officer,
Feature Mergers and Aqcuisitions

Perception vs Reality

September 1, 2014 Andrew Lo, Chief Marketing Officer,

The results of a recent survey suggest that providers of usage-based auto insurance need to educate clients about how the data insurers collect on driving behaviour is used, how this information will affect their rates and how telematics can improve safety while reducing claims frequency.

Alex Vinden, Associate, Giffin Koerth
Feature Catastrophes

Lessons from a Disaster Zone

August 1, 2014 Alex Vinden, Associate, Giffin Koerth

Lessons learned on the ground from the EF2-rated tornado that touched down in Essa Township June 17 could prove of value to communities, responding agencies and insurers in future disasters.